Wednesday, September 05, 2018

I Lack Nothing

The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing!  Psalm 23:1

We have been compared to as Sheep and Jesus our Shepherd over 500 times in the bible. What exactly could make the Lord equate us to this fluffy soft animal? 
Walk through this with me fellow sheep.

The Sheep:

Meek, and slightly aloof to the world around them. They have a flocking desire and follow a leader. Without a good leader a sheep will walk off a cliff if the other sheep do so. They are extremely social and need to be around others. Other than their eye sight they have little to defend themselves. So they have to stay alert to SEE their prey so they have time to run away but their depth perception is poor so it may be closer then they think. Their hearing is quite acute which causes them to spook easily. They can smell water. They are extremely picky eaters. They are very stubborn and takes a strong leader to control them. A shepherd that needed to get a sheep to obey, because they are prone to wander off, would break it's leg and carry him around until it healed. Showing the sheep that he was dependent on him. No wonder we are described as Sheep!

The Shepherd:

The Shepherd cares for His Flock.  
And when the Lord says HE is your Shepherd it is immeasurably more. 
He creates boundaries to keep you safe. He is an example to follow.  He is trustworthy because you have seen His character time and time again. He provides your every need.  He sacrifices for the benefit of whom He cares for. He is invested thru thick and thin, never wavering.  He relational. His sheep know Him. He has made himself known.  His is a visionary.  He see what is to come and prepares us.

When we allow Him to be our Shepherd we lack Nothing. He gives us all we need. ALL WE NEED. Not some. ALL. 

 Trust and obey the great Shepherd and walk by Him in peace.

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