Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Freedom....

It causes kings to dance and leap in the streets. In their underwear.

It causes people to cry out to God.

It causes the captive to be set free.

It causes rejoicing in prisons. And their chains to be broken. And their doors to open!

It causes deliverance in the broken.

It causes the seas to split and freedom of a people.

It cause the blind to see, lame to walk and the dead to rise.

This is what the Spirit of God can do. And you can read this, worship in the streets, call on His name because you were born in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

AND Yet.

The refuge in the heart of Africa is also free. Because he KNOWS the truth. And it has set him FREE!

You are FREE indeed!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Raise your hand for stoning!

There are times God ‘gives’ me verses. I, thinking I am a great theologian, think I understand the verse and know EXACTLY what it means and what it is for.
But recently this thought has been taken care of.

By, of course, reality kicking in. Real life circumstances and events that show the ACTUAL meaning of what God was trying to get thru my thick skull and spirit.


Why can’t we just the get the road map and the street signs saying

“HEY. I want to do this. And I need you to _____ (sit down, shut up and hold on).”

When He says… Is 43:19 “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” (If you get a chance.. Read Isaiah 43:14-21.)

I think what He is saying . Wait. Shut up. Pray and WATCH ME IN ACTION!
Your spirit in you knows so just listen. And stop thinking you have to DO anything!

And yet, I look in the wrong direction. I think.. .Oh! You are going to write it in the clouds and you are actually driving down the road with a huge banner.

But It is all a learning experience.. right ??!!??

B/c He is the Lord. He is Holy. He is Sovereign. And He will do ALL things for His Glory. For His Name to be known in all the earth. I just have to obey and sit back and watch.

And in the mean time. Unfortunately, when it involves others. They seem to act badly.
A lot of times gossip and dissension take over.

SO how do you combat that?

How do you voice the truth without getting stoned??

Will I just be a Stephen?
At least he was call “FULL OF FAITH, the Holy Spirit and WISDOM”.

Stone me!

I don't want to just sit and let the enemy and/or other "Christians" tell 'little lies', ' half truthes', 'their version', or 'what they heard'.

Spiritual Correlation in every day living

I remember what my mom told me. When you have to clean your room and it is a total disaster. Start in the corner and work your way out. ...