Friday, July 27, 2018


Romans 12 :9

Love Must be sincere
Hate what is evil
Cling to what is good

This looks like a simple verse. Easy to comprehend. Maybe easy to do for a follower of the Christ. But lets break down what a certain word means.
We all know this word. It looks simple enough.

Sincere- True. Free from pretense. Genuine. Heartfelt. Wholehearted. Deep

And yet. This Latin word means a lot more than you may think.  The potters would label their clay pots with the word "Sinerus" Sincere. which means WITH OUT WAX.
It meant the pot had no hair line cracks that would be filled in with wax. They were true. Perfect.
The only way to see if this pot was true and free from cracks was to hold it up to the SUN. To the light. And look to see what cracks there may be. So you could KNOW what was true by exposing the cracks to the light.

Just as WE can be held up to the Light to see if we have cracks that are filled with falsehood. If we have a hidden agenda. Or are we true.  We all have sinned. We all have had hidden agendas. And we have all been faced with that still small voice of the Holy Spirit convicting us to be true. Without wax. To put our masks down and be our TRUE selves.  So that we may love, reject shameful deeds, underhanded methods and not trick anyone. But to TRULY LOVE.

LOVE must be Sincere.  Jesus Said LOVE.  honestly. openly.

It is very unfortunate that today we live in a time where people have no issue with 'Evil'. It is promoted in movie, books, internet and by our culture. This is NOT new to us tho. Christians were given to the lions as entertainment.  Worshiping false gods and idols was an everyday occurrence, along with every other sin that we still endure today. But God.. Says we should hate those things. Reject those things. And cling to good. HIS goodness.

Can you define the word good?  Think on it for just a moment. We have a strong intuitive knowledge of what the word GOOD means. Like it was put in us by the ultimate GOOD.

 God's Good goal for us is to make us like His Son. And how can we be like His Son?

Jesus Said... .Love.  Make it Sincere. Wholehearted.  True. Without wax.

Matthew 22: 37- 40
2 Corinthians 4:2
Galatians 5 :19

Take a moment and reflect. Ask God where you have cracks and flaws and ask him to rework His Masterpiece. .. YOU. It is you. His Beloved.  Love Sincerely Beloved.

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Spiritual Correlation in every day living

I remember what my mom told me. When you have to clean your room and it is a total disaster. Start in the corner and work your way out. ...