Friday, July 20, 2018

I AM a masterpiece.

Ephesians 2:10

We are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, So we can do the good things HE planned for us long ago.

The first thing I tried to gloss over is the word masterpiece. I was going straight for "good things He planned for us".  And God is so good! He brought be right back to what HE wanted me to see.  What HE wanted me to learn. Not what I said.. Oh this is an easy one. I know what He is saying to me. And quickly I get  "NO Laura. Let's look at this instead."

Masterpiece: an artist's BEST piece of work.

WE are God's masterpiece. GOT it.

You are God's masterpiece. TOTALLY.

I am God's masterpiece... Am I ?

I can name hundreds of people that I would say are God's masterpiece. Why am I not on that list?
He says it right there. And yet I am doubtful He means me. I doubt who I am and forget who He says I am. I see my broken pieces and HE sees the healed ones. I see the imprisonment and HE sees the redemption.  There is a point in time that we have to see who we are to Him. Not the self loathing and self hating But reminding ourselves that WE are a masterpiece. To be able to say to YOURSELF

I am Chosen.
I am Blessed.
I am Forgiven
I am Valuable
I am NEW
I am Redeemed.

What part of you do you doubt? And what does GOD say about you? Ask Him.

My hope is that you see that you are HIS masterpiece. And today, I am going to remind myself that I am also His masterpiece. He formed me. He knew me. He knows me. He calls me blessed. He has set me free, made me righteous, an heir. I am Beloved.

Here are a few verses to remind you.

Romans 3:24
John 1:12
1 Cor 1:30
2 Cor 5:21
Gal 5:1
Eph 1:11
Col 3:12

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