Sunday, October 21, 2018

Sixty-Five Days. What He said about the coming of Christ.

Genesis 22: 18

The Angel of the Lord shares with Abraham what the Lord will do because of His obedience. HE will bless him more than Abraham may have even been able to comprehend. HE tells him that he will have so many descendants that they will be as the numbers of stars in the sky and sand on the seashore. They will be conquers. AND through his descendants all the nations of the earth will be blessed- ALL because he obeyed God.

Scholars believe that this is the Lord's first prophecy of Jesus. Why did the Lord choose Abraham's line to ? Because he obeyed God. Our obedience  to the Lord can cause ramifications that can and will change the world. Just as God chose Abraham's line to bring forth the Savior of the world so can we imprint with our obedience that will result in blessings on generations to come.

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Spiritual Correlation in every day living

I remember what my mom told me. When you have to clean your room and it is a total disaster. Start in the corner and work your way out. ...