Wednesday, March 26, 2008



What would happen if you told the absolute truth?
ALL THE TIME???!?!?I was thinking about this today when I saw a number come on to my phone and I did not want to answer it. And I didn’t. You know what I am talking about. You see the number or the email or hear the voicemail or see them walking down the hall and your eyes rolls and you make that total disgust sigh. And if it is visual.. you pray that they did not see you and duck down the nearest hall/cube or turn the other direction.

What would happen if you told them the absolute truth?

“I really don’t have the time or the energy to talk to you right now.
I know you want to be my friend. But I can’t stand you.
I don’t want to hear about your trip anymore.
I gave you my advice now use it or don’t speak about the subject.
No, I don’t want to go out with you, your moral compass is broke.
That dress does make you look fat.- OUCH.
That hair style does make you look old- Double ouch.
NO-He REALLY is not going to call. Yes- You really were to easy.”
Oh I could go on. AND so could you.

BUT would we be less liked? More stressed?

Or can we handle absolute truth?

Can we take it from a friend?

Can I take it? That is more the question. Can I take absolute truth? Could I hear from a friend or trusted loved one the absolute truth?

And becareful to not mistake "Absolute Truth" with... "The truth IN LOVE" because I think there is a difference. Don't you?


Rebecca said...

Well - it sure doesn't get you out of getting a speeding ticket!!!

You'd think that after all the excuses they hear all day - the cops would be SO relieved to hear the truth they would just give a warning. . . .

Just kidding - I got what I deserved! More to come on my blog!

Laura said...

OO. And thanks for talking to me about the sprain.. i felt so much better last night NOT freezing it out!!

Rebecca said...

Any time - just another time when being jack of all trades master of some comes in handy. I was a trainer in high school and that's what we'd have the guys do - elevate and ice 15 on 15 of

Spiritual Correlation in every day living

I remember what my mom told me. When you have to clean your room and it is a total disaster. Start in the corner and work your way out. ...