Saturday, September 01, 2007


They say that emotions are colored.
Blue……Sad or Down

What color is Pride? OR is pride a scent? Like fear or joy.

Pride: An over high opinion of one self; haughtiness, arrogance; extreme value of one self.

Romans 12:3 say we should not think of ourselves as better than others. To be sober in our judgement of ourselves. Because our lives are to be living sacrifices…..And a sacrifice does not get to choose how they “GO”. What rights does a sacrifice have but to die?
If we are to be, being , and becoming like Christ, who considered Himself a servant, then why do we hold ourselves at such high regard. I am not saying we should crawl on our bellies like lowly snakes. But when did we start acting like we were better than everyone else? When did our self-addiction and gratification take over our desire to be servants of Christ? Sacrifice turn to Feast?

Yes I know we are priests.. not just priests but ‘high priests’. But where is that balance? He also thinks we are lovely and whirls in delight in us. And he thinks we are beautiful. He knows the hairs on our head and the number of our days. He has our name engraved on his hand and heart. And just like a parent.. there are things He expects HIS children to and not to do.....

I think the 'to's' out number 'not to's.' We just think negative first.

I know to deep for a Saturday morning.

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Spiritual Correlation in every day living

I remember what my mom told me. When you have to clean your room and it is a total disaster. Start in the corner and work your way out. ...