Friday, October 30, 2009

Poor Morgan LeFay

Here lies Morgan LeFay.
She did not know what to say.
She says she tries to complete or her stuff
But her teachers are just way way to rough
So she just waits and waits to turn in her work
I am sure she thinks her mom is a jerk
B/c she is grounded until the coming of Christ
Or until those numbers reach new heights
For even though she can read all night
Her biology and geography is no where in site!
But will change you can bet your last dollar
B/c I don't care how much she hoops and hollers
She will bring home her work before the sun goes down
I am sure you will think I am a hound
For making her face the fact
We are not going to put up with our daughters laxed!

Dear Sweet Jon Ryan

Here Lies Jonathan Ry-an
He always is just a ly-in'
About the work he has to do.
He thinks his daddy don't have a clue
He had lunch detention due to his lack
And just wishes that teacher would give him some slack
Although he has time to sit and frenzy long
He will not see that wii until his hair is gone
No matter how hard he tries and how long he cries
He will not see the sun before he dies
B/c the mean old momma has let the hammer fall
The homework will be done before I have to call
All those teachers in to one room
And they can tell me all doom and gloom
Just bring home your work so you don't get in trouble
Get your back up straight before the grounding is double!

Spiritual Correlation in every day living

I remember what my mom told me. When you have to clean your room and it is a total disaster. Start in the corner and work your way out. ...