Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Draft of "the box"

You think I am here for you pleasure

That I have nothing better

Keeping me like a treasure

Always in your shadow

What can I say that can make you think different

The more I struggle the more your conflict

There is nothing worse than being stepped over

Pushed over and shoved down

Into the hole of control and demand

Always given by your hand

There is more to me than you can stand

You think you have the upper hand

So I sit and wait for the time

For release from the box and your demand

The box is cracking

The box is flimsy

It can't stand the pressure of who I am becoming

The box is failing

The box is more

Empty than you know

Time is only a gift

That grows from the shift

Of power you think you have

Time is all I need to prove

Your shadow is quite meek

And it is fading beyond the heart you think you keep

Safe in the box

That is flimsy and cracked

What more can I do

To show you....

It no longer is

The containment of your control

You no longer have your hold

I am free to light my path

And content to show you that I am free

Free from the box

That can't hold anything but your cost

The cost of control is to prove

You never really had it

And you have lost

What a precious treasure

No longer here for your pleasure

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Spiritual Correlation in every day living

I remember what my mom told me. When you have to clean your room and it is a total disaster. Start in the corner and work your way out. ...